Home Remedy for Nervous Weakness

Let’s take a look at some very effective Home Remedy for Nervous Weakness to cure nerve weakness. Nerve weakness can also occur due to nutritional deficiencies. Taking too many chemical medicines can also cause nerve weakness. Nerve weakness can also occur due to drug reactions, and indigestion and constipation can be problems that can cause nerve weakness. Nerve weakness can occur for many reasons. The Apana Mudra, which cleanses the nerve roots, should be performed on the middle finger, ring finger, and thumb.

Dear friends, in today’s episode, let’s see information about the most effective Home Remedy for Nervous Weakness to cure nervous weakness problems. There are several reasons for nervous weakness. One reason is the lack of nutrients in our diet. The second is due to mental stress.

Taking too many chemical medicines can cause weakness problems. Home Remedy for Nervous Weakness Nerve weakness can also be caused by the reaction of that medicine. Some diseases can also cause nerve problems as a side effect of those diseases. For example, diabetic neuropathy occurs. When diabetes increases, it affects the nerves.Home Remedy for Nervous Weakness Arthritis and osteoarthritis also cause nerve weakness. Thyroid BP, heart problems, chronic liver-related, kidney-related, and brain-related problems can also cause nerve problems.

Autoimmune diseases can also cause nerve weakness. Parkinson’s is one of the most dangerous autoimmune diseases. When there is an imbalance in the immune system of our body, it causes nerve weakness. After looking at these reasons, we need to clearly understand the solution to this. We need to clearly understand what problems caused the problem. If any of our nerves are affected by any health problems, then we should do yoga pranayama according to that problem. It is very important.

I have not mentioned all the problems. Home Remedy for Nervous Weakness For all those problems, it may be due to any BP, heart problem, nerve weakness, mental stress, indigestion, constipation, etc. Nerve weakness can occur due to many reasons. To fix this, pranayama is a perfect solution. In it, to activate the nerve energy, first do the Apana Mudra, which cleanses the nerves of the body. What are we doing in this mudra?

One should do Kapalabhati practice for 10-15 minutes in the morning on an empty stomach. Thus, due to the practice of Kapalabhati, the sensory power present in our nerves, a system of neurotransmitters, is activated, which protects us from any weakness in the nerves. If there is an imbalance in neurological functions, then the weakness of the nerves increases Home Remedy for Nervous Weakness and many diseases can come to our body, be it metabolic disorders, lifestyle disorders, or food style disorders. Which one has the power to cure all those diseases?

Home Remedy for Nervous Weakness

Kapalabhati has a science of Kapalabhati. It regenerates degenerated cells. Liver cell degeneration is a liver-related disease. Kidney cell degeneration is a kidney-related disease. Degeneration in the gallbladder is a disease. Degeneration in the pancreas is a disease. Degeneration in the thyroid gland is a disease in brain cells. All those diseases are the cause of degenerative disease. Degeneration means the loss of vitality, the death of life. This means that if a cell’s energy decreases prematurely, diseases occur.

At that time, what we need to understand is that when we do Kapalabhati, Home Remedy for Nervous Weakness the degenerated cells are regenerated. What happens is that the nerve weakness problems caused by any variation in the organism are corrected. We have said that nerve weakness is caused by various diseases. By correcting those diseases, the neurones are not destroyed. Since Kapalabhati has the power to regenerate those neurones, when we do the practice of Kapalabhati in Apana Mudra, the neurones are purified and become healthy in the body.

By purifying the cells of all the organs, we can find a permanent solution to the problem of nervous weakness. This is the science of Kapalabhati Pranayama. This is what you do in Apana Mudra. This is purification. From this, we can get energy. Where there is purity, there is energy. Where there is impurity, there is no energy. It is said that toxicity is a main cause of all degenerative diseases. In the language of songs, we call that toxicity as dirt. Apana Mudra has the power to purify that dirt.

To correct the weaknesses of the nerves, a mudra that provides strength to the nerves is called Prana Mudra. When the thumb, ring finger, and thumb are joined, it is called Prana Mudra. An important central system through which the flow of prana energy occurs. Like nerves, our nerves also have a system of nerve networks. Nerves, nerves

Then the rasavaha shrotas, raktavaha shrotas, mansavaha shrotas, medavaha shrotas, hastivaha shrotas, madhyavaha shrotas, and shukravaha shrotas—the purification of all these shrotas are the channels, the carriers, the centres of prana energy. When all these are purified, strength comes from the nerves. Thus, prana mudra does the work of prana mudra. What you do when you sit down and do kapalabhati is this. By doing this practice, prana energy becomes illuminated, stimulated, and awakened. When prana energy is awakened, then vitality comes in the nerve channels; vigour, radiance—prana energy is in the nerve channels.

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